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The South West has a global reputation as an exporter of the finest wines, truffles, and premium food. Our engineering, design and technology firms are also solving global problems around water quality, nautical safety and urban growth.

With our help, more and more local businesses are achieving success in the international marketplace.

We are contracted by the Australian Trade Commission to deliver Austrade’s TradeStart services across the South West.

Our locally-based TradeStart advisers are available to assist small and medium-sized businesses like yours to achieve success in international markets.

The region’s trade links are global and TradeStart allows all exporters to tap into the reach and expertise of Australia’s and Western Australia’s trade support network.

If you are gearing up to export or already trading, we encourage you to get in contact with our team.

How we can assist

  • Free advice and assistance on exporting
  • Individual advice geared towards your specific need
  • Connecting you with opportunities offshore
  • Inclusion in overseas trade missions and promotional events
  • Workshops, including export-ready workshops

We’re here to help

Get in contact with our locally-based team

Tony Fletcher – Senior Regional Development Officer
Telephone: 0412 246 942
Emilia Barabino – Regional Development Officer
Telephone: 0487 304 515

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