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RED Grants South West Regional Priorities

RED Grants South West Regional Priorities


The South West Development Commission has identified key regional priority areas as part of its Strategic Plan. Projects that demonstrate alignment with the region’s priorities are viewed favourably through the Regional Economic Development (RED) Grants Program.

The South West regional priorities are areas where significant opportunities exist for growth and diversification. Importantly, the region’s priorities support the intent of the State’s RED Grants Program, which aims to diversify regional economies and protect sustainable jobs.

In the South West, the RED Grants Program encourages applications that directly contribute to:

  1. Aboriginal Small Business Development
  2. Maximising International and/or Interstate Markets
  3. Innovation, value adding or industry enabling

Building capability in the key industry areas of:

o Retail, Hospitality and Tourism

o Creative Industries

o Green Energy

o Manufacturing/

Advanced Manufacturing

o Healthcare and Community Services

The following are examples of identified opportunities within each regional priority focus area. For more information, please contact the team to discuss how your project aligns.

Aboriginal Small Business Development

We encourage applications that support the sustainable development of Aboriginal-led enterprise and projects that increase the participation of Aboriginal people across all areas of economic and social life.

Government, businesses and the wider community have a significant role to play in working with Aboriginal people to achieve this outcome.

Priority initiatives and opportunities

  • Increasing Aboriginal people’s participation in the local
  • Building the capacity Aboriginal-owned businesses and
    supporting joint venture partnerships
  • Increasing skills and employment outcomes for Aboriginal people
  • Ensuring the South West region’s iconic tourism assets are recognised as significant cultural and heritages sites of the local Noongar people
  • Ensuring Aboriginal-owned enterprises are well-represented in tourism and events marketing
  • Developing Aboriginal tourism experiences and products to showcase heritage and cultural assets

Maximising International and/or Interstate Markets

Priority initiatives and opportunities

  • Growing domestic and international exports
  • Supporting businesses to unlock and diversify export markets
  • Growing markets within the Asia-Pacific time zone
  • Supporting investment in new technologies to scale and commercialise for export growth
  • Supporting investments that create supply chain opportunities for other regional businesses
  • Strengthening cross-sector partnerships to ensure industry has access to creative technologies, programs and expertise

Retail, Hospitality and Tourism

Retail, hospitality and tourism industries are key contributors to our regional economy and are important to the vibrancy and liveability of the South West.

Priority initiatives and opportunities

·       Supporting initiatives in product development and packaging

·       Developing iconic tourism
attractions and improving trail coordination across the region

·       Activating retail and hospitality spaces or precincts

·       Innovation and value adding to retail and hospitality outlets that will support economic growth

Creative Industries

SWDC acknowledges significant growth within the WA creative workforce and sees the Creative Industries as an important contributor to economic growth in the South West.

Priority initiatives and opportunities

  • Building economic capabilities and growth for established creative SMEs including developing further market reach and maximising interstate or international opportunities for South West creatives
  • Projects supported under the Creative Industries may include software and digital content, new or interactive technologies, fashion, graphic and product design and photography, amongst others.

Green Energy

The world’s growing demand for clean energy provides unparalleled opportunities to be at the forefront of innovation into renewables.

Priority initiatives and opportunities

  • Supporting investment
    opportunities in battery storage, recycling and innovation
  • Facilitating the development of other clean energy projects
  • Developing market opportunities for waste management and value-add products and services, including waste-to-energy initiatives
  • Supporting sustainable energy supply and distribution, including biomass, wind, solar and hydrogen

Manufacturing/Advanced Manufacturing

The region’s capabilities in technology and advanced manufacturing are growing at an unprecedented rate, providing pathways for future industry growth and diversification.

Priority initiatives and opportunities

  • Supporting value-adding and attracting innovative manufacturing investments in the South West
  • Supporting innovation in transport, building technologies, food processing, mining, agriculture and wine technologies
  • Attracting investment in manufacturing and processing facilities
  • Promoting industry and education partnerships to link students with the latest industry-ready skills and technologies

Healthcare and Community Services

Healthcare and community services play an important role in regional liveability and contributes significantly to employment in the South West.

Priority initiatives and opportunities

  • Attracting specialised services or equipment to the region to improve efficiencies and community wellbeing and create jobs
  • Providing or enhancing core community services that create jobs and underpin broader economic development

We’re here to help

If you have any questions, or need help with your application, please contact our team on 9792 2000 or email .

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